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5 Ways to Minimize Severe Bunion Pain

5 Ways to Minimize Severe Bunion Pain

Have you developed a prominent bump on the joint of your big toe that is causing you discomfort? If so, you could be joining the one-third of American adults who suffer with bunions.

On their own, bunions cause an array of unpleasant symptoms, but they can also lead to other foot deformities if left untreated. 

It’s critical to get your bunion evaluated by a podiatrist, and the highly respected team at South Florida Foot & Ankle Centers offers expert treatment for bunions, as well as a host of other conditions of the feet and ankles. 

Your podiatrist partners with you to support your foot health through education, prevention, and advanced treatment.

The painful problems bunions cause

When the two bones in your metatarsophalangeal joint (the medical term for your big toe joint) shift noticeably, this is how a bunion bump can start. 

The lengthy bone on the top of your foot starts to point toward your other foot and your first big toe bone aims itself in the other direction, toward your baby toe. 

Uncomfortable bunion symptoms include:

Among other problems a bunion can cause is hammertoe, which describes the middle joint of a toe to develop a pronounced bend; calluses that form on the ball of your foot; and corns that affect your big toe. 

Certain foot conditions increase your risk for developing bunions — like flat feet, arthritis, and having a short Achilles tendon. However, women who wear very high heels with tight toe boxes and people with a family history of bunions most commonly develop them. 

Seeking treatment from your South Florida Foot & Ankle Centers podiatrist is essential if you have a bunion, since it will grow bigger, and your symptoms will worsen if it’s untreated.

The most effective bunion pain solutions

We’ve compiled the top five things you can do to alleviate bunion pain so you can move better and more comfortably. 

1. Protect your bunion

Buy a soft, soothing moleskin or a pad filled with gel at your pharmacy and place it on your bunion to buffer it from hard shoes, bumps, and other irritants. 

2. Enlist the help of medical devices

Your podiatrist can assist you with obtaining prescription orthotic shoe inserts that help to reposition your foot correctly. They might recommend wearing a nighttime splint, which straightens your toe while you sleep. Both of these options ease bunion pain.

3. Pay attention to footwear

Shoes that fit well are essential to keeping your feet comfortable if you have bunions. This means opting for flats over sky-high heels, and shoes that have an ample toe box, so your bunion isn’t at all constricted. We can guide you on shopping for shoes that are foot-friendly.

4. Ice it up

Using ice packs to alleviate the swelling and pain at the site of your bunion can be a very effective home treatment.

5. Don’t forget over-the-counter pain medication

There’s a bunion pain remedy that’s probably already in your medicine cabinet. Over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium are all effective at quelling bunion discomfort. Look for familiar products like Tylenol®, Motrin®, Advil®, and Aleve®. 

These steps can go a long way toward quenching the flame of bunion pain. In some cases, a surgical solution is necessary, and it’s the only permanent answer to bunion pain. 

Your South Florida Foot & Ankle Centers podiatrist can talk to you about this option, what happens during surgery, and what recovery looks like. 

Call South Florida Foot & Ankle Centers today to schedule an appointment with our compassionate podiatrists at the office most convenient to you, in Royal Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Lake Worth, or Belle Glade, Florida. 

You can also or request an appointment through our easy booking feature online. 

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